Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Long time no log on

I think about this blog every so often, just haven't bothered to get on it.

We drastically changed our eating habits in late November, and since then I've lost 22 lbs. I'm a vegan now, meaning I don't eat meat, fish, poultry, dairy products or eggs or any animal product at all. I also very rarely have sweets, no coffee, and only occasional low amounts of caffeine in green or black tea. Jeremy eats a little meat and cheese. The kids eat much better at home meals and packed lunches, but when we're out I loosen the reins a bit.

Fellow coworkers poke fun at the "leaves" I take to eat on breaks and call me a 'rabbit'. I've told many of them about my diet, and they always look skeptical thinking I won't stick with it cuz they think they couldn't do it. When I tell them I've lost 22 lbs, they go ass over nose in disbelief. I'm already fitting into jeans I haven't worn in 3 years and I feel much better.

My doctor can take her *Zocor prescription and shove it where the sun don't shine. Last July she put me on that *weapon of governmental genocide because my cholesterol was nearing 300. I quit taking it just over a month later. My last cholesterol check, September 2007, was 219. I went to my yearly yesterday and she wanted to put me back on it. I told her I eat a vegan diet, and told a little fib about exercising. The truth is, when I try to work out my L knee hurts like a son of a bitch. I'll get my cholesterol checked probably tomorrow and I know it's gonna be plenty lower.

*Why the harsh terminology about Statins? Lethal side effects. The FDA is about as trustworthy as a Mob hitman, and drug companies don't give a shit about how many lives are lost or drastically altered as a result of their products. Over the counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as Advil, Motrin, and Aleve cause hundreds if not thousands of deadly bleeding ulcers to unsuspecting people who take it. Do they warn people of this?

*stepping off my soapbox now*


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I bet you're hot. How do I get you in bed? ;-)

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